21 maart 2024 by Hanna

Forest reveries

Today I would like to tell you about the area where I live. You have probably already noticed that the forest and the trees and the stories about elves are recurring motifs in my photos. The Brothers Grimm wrote many fairy tales about the area where I live and I can well understand how they were fascinated by the castles and forests in my neighbourhood.  Every walk through the forest is a journey of discovery and I am mesmerised by the beauty and mystery that surrounds me. Its like every tree holds a secret, every rustle of leaves whispers a tale. Could there be an ogre or troll bathtub between the trees? Who might call that mysterious tree hole their home, peeking out from its cozy confines when no one is looking? And was that a fairy I just glimpsed flitting through the dappled sunlight?

So as I continue to wander through the forest, my heart fills with wonder. The forest is not just a place with trees and wildlife; it is a place of dreams, mystery and endless fascination. As a sensitive person, nature has always been my sanctuary, it has taught me to perceive with all my senses, to be curious and adventurous and to respect and protect the environment. And I am grateful for every moment I spend exploring its depths, for every new discovery that awaits around the next bend in the path. And I am happy if I can take you there with me through my pictures.





