21 april 2024 by Sutapa

Pumpkin Flower Fritters

Have you ever tried pumpkin flower fritters?

As a young girl, growing up in India, I used to be delighted when we had enough pumpkin blooms on our creepers during autumn/winter, because that meant a treat of pumpkin flower fritters.

I planted some pumpkin seeds in my garden last summer and was delighted to see them grow! Such a versatile plant, offering all parts for consumption – the leaves, stem, flower and of course the fruit!

One morning I collected a batch of these bright orange flower, washed and laid them out to dry.

I was planning to cook the super easy, flower-fritters for lunch.


Pumpkin flower. Trim very close to the stem, wash and pat dry.

Gram flour/Chick-pea flour – amount depends on how many flowers you have.



Oil for frying

Optional poppy seeds to add a bit of crunch to the batter.

Make a batter with the gram flour by mixing with water. Please make it thick and add water later, if necessary, rather than making it too runny.

(Gram flour can be found in any Indian shops).

Add salt and turmeric to the batter.

Heat oil in a pan. Dip the pumpkin flowers in the batter and shallow fry, turning over a couple of times till it feels crunchy.

Enjoy on its own or with warm rice.

Leave your comments below if you ever try this!



