23 maart 2024 by Hanna

Making a healthy lemonade – Water kefir

Do you know water kefir or milk kefir and have you ever made it yourself? 
Today I want to tell you how to make water kefir – a delicious and refreshing probiotic drink that is easy to make. 

To start off, you will need these ingredients:

•    water kefir cultures
•    30 grams dried organic fruits like dates, figs  orrosins
•    the half of an organic lemon or other fruits
•    1 Liter water
•    50 gram organic cane sugar.
•    A bottle or fermentation jar with a tight seal

First, stir the sugar into the cold water until no more sugar crystals are visible. Then add the water kefir cultures (I bought mine online). Then pour 30 grams of dried fruit and the juice of a lemon or half an organic lemon. Then seal everything tightly in a bottle and keep it at room temperature for 3 days. After the fermentation is finished after 3 days pour the liquid into another bottle and keep the drink in the fridge. Pour the fruit and water kefir through a sieve. You can reuse the kefir crystals to make your next mixture or store them in sugar water in the fridge.
If the drink remains too sweet, the fermentation process will take a little longer. 
Be careful, the fermentation process can produce gases. It is best to use a fermentation jar or loosen the screw cap of the jar as soon as the lemonade becomes fizzy.

The fermentation gives the water kefir it's unique tangy flavor and creates a drink with probiotic content. Refreshing and healthy!  There are no limits to the variations, you can use any fruit you like or add a little spice with ginger.

Zum Wohl or cheers!




