18 december 2023 by Sonja

Create Sustainable Gifts

A few years ago, I started sewing reusable gift bags as a more sustainable way to wrap presents and reduce the amount of paper discarded after the holiday season. Here, I've sewn a gift bag using an older green Gudrun Sjödén fabric bag and a piece of red fabric leftover from a previous Christmas collection. Here's how I did it:

•    Cut two pieces of your chosen size in an outer fabric and two equally sized pieces in a lining fabric (for my bag, it was 30x34 cm). Also, cut two ribbons that should be 3 times the width of the bag (mine were 2 x 90 cm).


•    Sew together one outer part and one lining part at the top and do the same with the other two pieces. Press the seams apart.


•    Place the pieces on top of each other (right sides facing) and pin together. Make two markings on each side, 2.5 and 5 cm from the center seam on the inside of the outer fabric, for the drawstring.


•    Sew around but leave an opening at the bottom in the center of the lining (to turn the bag inside out) and at the markings for the drawstring on the sides.


•    Turn the bag inside out (feel free to trim a bit of extra fabric at the corners first).

•    Poke out the corners, sew up the opening in the lining, and push the lining into the bag.

•    Iron the bag and mark two lines 2.5 and 5 cm from the top edge on both the front and back.

•    Sew around the entire bag on both lines to create the drawstring channel and then thread in two ribbons, one from each side and all the way around. Tie the ribbon ends together.


A tip! If you have differently colored outer fabric and lining, like I do, match the thread color in the bobbin to the lining fabric.

Good luck!

Warm regards, 