“Amira” cardigan in organic/recycled cotton
Inspiration Knitted essentials

Knitwear made of natural fibres

“Jasmine” Bästis sweater in recycled cotton

Favourite long-sleeved top
To the top Jasmine »


“Adele” long cardigan in organic cotton


Knit vest in wool/organic cotton

Flattering flow
Buy the waistcoat »


“Jasmine” Bästis sweater in recycled cotton
Tunic in linen/recycled cotton
Tunic in linen/recycled cotton
“Jasmine” Bästis sweater in recycled cotton


“Adele” long cardigan in organic cotton
“Amira” cardigan in organic/recycled cotton


Cardigan in linen/recycled cotton
Tunic in linen/recycled cotton
Cardigan in linen/recycled cotton
Knit tunic in wool/organic cotton

Versatile wool
Wool can feel both warming and cooling; in other words, a versatile material. Depending on the textile and technique, we can vary those thermal qualities. One example is our felted wool jacket and the new, cooling wool cardigan with shorter sleeves. The same quality, but different techniques result in a very different look and function. Don’t miss out on our new knitwear with its Shetland-wool feel. Here in a classic, stocking stitch cardigan and a brioche-knit longline cardigan, and as ever, with refined and surprising details.