Creating beauty using an ancient technique such as block printing is a passion of mine. All the subtle variations in colour shade and pattern result in truly lovely and unique pieces. No one garment is quite like the next one – what a welcome change at a time when everything is mass-produced in large quantities. By using an age-old technique, we celebrate and help preserve a craft that could otherwise easily fall into oblivion. The highly skilfull artisans in Jaipur, India, have made block printing into a real craft, and their skills are deeply rooted in tradition, culture and history. That is where our block-printed pieces are made. The artisans cut and carve wooden blocks by hand in order to create the beautiful patterns. The wooden blocks are then covered in colour paste and pressed onto the fabric which is quickly transformed into a cornucopia of patterns, silhouettes and colours. Experienced block printers can produce metre after metre of prints without slipping up. Each and every print is unique and oozes personality.
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