01 January 2024 by Pia

Our PASSION – the beautiful craftsmanship




We find ourselves on a rooftop at a block printing unit in India. Here, newly printed, washed fabrics are hung out to dry in the warmth. This is truly a part of our PASSION. Both working with ancient craftsmanship in small units and supporting small businesses that need employment to survive.



The first thing that strikes us during our visit to this unit is the DOOR. So beautiful with the front adorned by worn-out printing blocks. Then the pattern celebration continues, table by table, meter by meter. So many beautiful patterns and colors!



Most block printers are men. They often possess both the knowledge to print and to manufacture the blocks.






Carving a print block requires tremendous precision and experience. A block typically only lasts for a certain number of prints before it wears out. Therefore, the process involves creating an initial block on-site, like a prototype. Subsequently, the block is sent off, along with an order, to a specific place that exclusively manufactures blocks. After a while, a whole bunch of blocks comes back – enough for an entire production!

Want to see more? Join me in my next post "Block Printing and Dyeing."

Greetings from PiaFia in a winter-warm India.