Our video library
Welcome to our video library – delve in and discover video clips from the past and present. Explore the collections in a moving format or be inspired by other colourful videos from Gudrun’s world. We’ll be adding to the site now and then so look out for updates.




From pixels to patterns in fabric

Join us on the journey from pixels to patterns

Free horizons May Extra - Collection video

Free horizons in the north

Gotland inspiration video


Norrland inspiration video


Himalayas inspiration video


At home with Anna Kern

“At home with Anna Kern”
– a look back at the 2019 homeware collection.


The green thread

The green theme
– a video about our essential striped sweater.


Shanghai fashion week

Join Gudrun
at Shanghai Fashion Week 2011.



Are you a #gudrunista? 

Post a picture, hashtag it #gudrunista and follow @gudrunsjoden on Instagram. Maybe we’ll feature your picture on our website or social media! Need inspiration? Find more colorful gudrunistas here »

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